

"Tahraaahnah" is evidently how the cool kids say it. Stick with me, kid.

Did I ever tell you guys about my love affair with big cities?

I have one.

After thinking about it, I've been living in coastal areas all my life, essentially moving from one small town to another. Guelph is the 'biggest' place I've lived in, unless you count Ottawa. Can I count Ottawa? I'm here like four months of the year. I don't know. Either way, I want to try living in a big city. And it's not just because small towns are, in general, creepy, inbred, devoid of all life and miserable (though lets be honest, they are). I love the energy, life, and size of the big cities. Anywhere that contains so many humans has to be something amazing, right? Because we're amazing. Hurrah for the  human race. Go us.

Anyway, the point of this post is to say that I had a recent trip to Toronto where these feelings were solidified. Toronto is awesome and wonderful. It is vibrant, and I want to be a part of it. My parents are both Torontonians, which I think I've actually mentioned before, so I think it's almost a duty I have to my heritage to discover their city and make it my own. At least for a little while.

For instance, this shot (which turned out waaay too bright) was taken in front of old City Hall, where my parents got married. : ) It's actually the exact spot where their sort of 'most used' wedding photo was taken. If I had it scanned I'd do a comparison shot, because it's pretty neat and time travel-y to look at them together. Especially since you can see that all those little signs around me are no-smoking signs, and in my parent's wedding photo Dad is of course holding a cigarette. We live in such a different world.

Also you see that purse? It is wonderful. It is so pretty and so functional.

As for the trip, it was super-fun! I went with my Mom to visit her sister, whom I hadn't seen in a very, very long time. I'm not especially close with any family that isn't immediate, but visiting always makes me wish that I were. When I become an aunt, hopefully this blog post will remind me to be annoyingly close to my little nieces and nephews.

Also, final thought - another thing that I love and completely don't care if it sounds horrendously childish is dressing thematically for movies. It doesn't have to be obnoxious, but it damn well should be. I feel like if everyone only went to see movies they were willing to dress thematically for they wouldn't be nearly so busy and you wouldn't always end up sitting beside someone who chose to have a coughing fit throughout Man of Steel rather than go home and hack a lung out in the comfort of their own bed. 

...Go human race! Yeah...

I guess that's it! Just a little post this time. Short posts can be fun too. I think I'm doing a lot of museums and galleries and far too many trips to Value Village so that I don't really feel as though I'm out of school and jobless for the summer. Does that mean success? I think it does. Yeah.

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