

Nov. 19th- A Day In History

Another Friday hits and I find myself blogging. It'd be pretty cool if I could make a habit out of this. I never will.

Anyway, huge news in the life of moi; I got my very first offer to a university today. My very first, very real offer. Yup, looks like the University of Glasgow would love to have me in their Zoology program (provided that I meet the terms and conditions outlined). Conditional or not, though, it's an offer; one that I've been getting pretty panicky over. I love knowing that there's somewhere I can go- it's like everything's finally paying off. Hard work really does equal success, eh?

Of course, my dad was kind enough to remind me that my international/overseas (BIG BIG MONEY) status may have had something to do with my offer, but I really don't care. I'm so happy I was literally jumping up and down earlier; so the geeks out there know I must have been rather excited.

Zoology was also my second choice- I'm going for vet med, but that happens to be ridiculously hard to get into in the UK (so go, Guelph, go!). My policy on applying was try everything and see what happens. So far I've applied to nine different programs at seven schools (aha, 7 of 9...).

All this Uni stuff is very exciting. Right now I'd say it takes up at least 75% of my idle thoughts, which isn't very good for someone like myself, who has a very bad tendency to over-think things. It's worst in the mornings. I'm amazed how easily my mind accepts the possibility of every single clock in my house being slow. Anyway, so when I'm thinking about Uni, I'll often find myself thinking about what could be. Mainly if I didn't take vet med. ...Or any sciences. I think a lot about what it would be like to take something like a degree in Art or English, which of course, compared to the sciences, would be like getting a degree in toast-making. My English teacher, who's one of those really nice teachers that people like to take advantage of, insists that I go into these fields (mostly English). I've never really considered myself talented at either of these subjects until recently, so I'm a little apprehensive about it. I think of English and Art as fun courses, too, and making a living out of that seems a little far-fetched. I mean, getting an English degree would be swell if I wanted to become an English teacher.

My mind is still set, but just like there's a parallel world where every clock, watch and cell phone in my house is running about 10 minutes late every morning, there's a parallel me out there whose just been offered a place in an English program. Well, good for her, but mainly good for me.

Cause I got an offer from a University.

Oh, another thing I've been wrestling with; this blog. Do I tell others to read it, or what? On one hand, having people in my life reading my blog would prohibit me from speaking about them (at least negatively) in it, but on the other hand I have one follower, who is my best friend. I'm not exactly swimming in the readers here...

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