

You are my Lava. You are my Friend.

After thinking about it, I can honestly say that my lava lamp is one of my most prized possessions. Few things in this world can compete with it's elegance, it's creative power, and it's general cool-factor.

When I look at it my mind goes into a wonderfully blank state. The outside world is nothing, all that matters is that little globular sphere of molten wax and it's epic journey. First escaping the land of the heating blob, and when it finally breaks free, its captor sends it off, almost acknowledging it's desire and conquest. The parent blob propels the glob at top speed as it races for that far off haven; the top of the lamp. It climbs and climbs in the slow dragging speed of the liquid, hardening all the way. It becomes darker and darker as it begins to see that its dream will never be achieved, and he falls back to the blob to heat once more. But fear not! Our little sphere returns! It bubbles and plops its way to individuality one again, this time larger, stronger, and most of all faster against the dirge of the liquid. It shoots up, leaving dribbles of wax drifting in it's wake, and it drives up, up, up; until finally we witness the culmination of all the hopes and dreams a little blob of molten wax could have as it reaches it's prized home. For a moment, the darkish wax left behind from last night's race ponders whether or not this new sphere is worthy of the uppermost station, but as we join our little blob in spirit he cannot lose, and the pressure he places on the darkish scraps proves too much. They blend; they join! Victory is ours! Yet even as we rejoice for our little blobs happiness, a new hero begins to protrude...

You can work out all of your issues in there. You can sort out all of those thoughts or ideas that you just can't get out of your head. It's particularly wonderful with music added, but just looking at it on it's own is a wonderful visual enough. One day I'd really like to do some art on my lava lamp. Maybe something in watercolour, to really bring that glow into it. It'd be cool to have an entire room lit entirely by lava lamps of all types and sizes. You'd probably feel like lava after being in that room, but it'd be so worth it. Especially if you were high. I've never been high myself, but I can only imagine how cool a lava lamp must be if you're high.

In general, the world needs more useless but cool ingenuity like the lava lamp. Does it serve as a particularly useful lamp? No. Is it practical in any way? Well, why should it be? The lava lamp is amazing and it knows it. It doesn't need any other purpose than to look cool.

Like it says, quite truthfully, on the cylindrical box, "Lava Lamps: The Original Shape of Cool".

I really don't want to study for my math exam.

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