

Optimism Parameters in OVERDRIVE.

First week of third year happened! How exciting is that? I know that at the time, I thought high school went flying by but I guess the fact that university is something I dreamed of for so long before actually coming here that I just sort of assumed that it would take up a greater portion of my life. Really, though, your undergrad is only four years long, which is... not very long at all...

But I'm sure you're all wondering just how my first week of classes actually went, so I'll give you the lovely scoop on my activities. : )

Overall, it actually went fantastic. Being in third year, I feel like I really have this whole university thing down. Guelph is my main city. Profs are my peeps. Various other like expressions. I love that every year I come back to Guelph I can't go on campus without running into familiar faces. At least, I love this now, come exam time when I'm plowing through campus to get a book from the library despite having not showered for three days I'll be significantly less happy about running into friends who want to 'chat'. But it's the beginning of the semester, so let's not go there just yet! Let's enjoy the fact that I have lots of friends and people to say hello to on campus. I know that this must be at least a semi-new concept for me, because I think I have a really over the top reaction of surprise when I run into someone I'm not expecting. Maybe it's because I'm a scientist- I find order in the world, and when that order get's disturbed and my housemate comes home early while I'm still cooking dinner and I flip the fuck out. You'd think a scientist would be more composed, but again, maybe that's the issue. New hypothesis: I've developed a careful exterior persona to be used when in the company of others, with slight variations depending on whether I'm with friends or acquaintances. When people surprise me they're effectively shattering this persona, or my 'cool' which takes me an inordinate amount of time to regain. That, or I just get surprised really easily. But it's always good to go more in-depth when it comes to self-reflection.

One person I ran into was actually a... I suppose' role model' of mine. It was wonderful getting the chance to catch up with her and hear about what she's been up to lately. I don't think she knows this, but she's kind of living my dream, and ever since meeting her in my first year I've really looked up to her. It was a lovely surprise seeing her again and I think it's given the whole semester a really inspiring atmosphere. I feel like great things are going to happen this season. I think I told you that second year was the year of 'what the hell am I doing with this degree', yes? Well, third year is looking more and more like the year where I finally figured my life out and just went for it. 

Speaking of old friends, this past week has been a whirlwind of socialization and I'm loving it. My two bestest friends in the world are always the best thing about coming back to Guelph and I feel like we've already had a mountain of good times. Sometimes I'm just happy.

Also, 13 more days until my birthday. Whaaaaaat?!

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