

What's for Dinner?

I am a nodder. I'm one of those students who feels the need to keep professors in a continuous state of reassurance that I understand what they're saying (even if I don't). I keep a constant rhythm of nods for them throughout class. It's fairly static, but the tempo can increase dramatically when/if they make eye contact with me.

It's come to my attention in recent times that most people don't do this, which makes me feel slightly alone, but every now and then I'm in a class where there is more than one of us nodders, perhaps even a few of us, and I know that we have an understanding. A message for all of those nodders out there, possibly nodding your comprehension of this very sentence: you are not alone; I feel you.

Now for food. Living in a townhouse this year has afforded me the opportunity to actually make food, and through the past three months I've managed to get visual evidence of my cooking skillz to share with the web. One day, I hope to look back on these culinary masterpieces and laugh heartily because I'll be eating so much better by then... right?

Yeah, eggs are pretty much all that I can do. However, I do do them rather well, if I do say so myself. My favorite part of these pictures is that you can clearly make out my laptop in every one except for toad in the hole. So please, future me, tell me that you eventually stopped slobbing every meal at your desk. Tell me we purchased a table. Please.

Also, grating cheese for that pasta was my being 'fancy'.

And now, a final thought: I'm doing better in all of my English courses than any of my Biology courses. This happened last year as well. Is this a sign? Should I be re-thinking my life?

Other final thought: My back does not ever crack, and I cannot remember it ever happening before, which leads me to believe that if my back were ever to crack it would be the most incredible crack in the world, ever.

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