

They Call Him Flipper, Flipper, Flipper...

It's my birthday soon. I know, I know, I'm excited too. My birthday is on September 27th, which is a very cool day. Not only is it MY birthday, but it's also Google's birthday, Avril Lavigne, my cousin Adrian, my best friends aunt, and best of all, Bill Colter, the weatherman from Global News.

Anyways, this year I asked for a tablet so I could try out doing some art on my computer. I don't pretend to be anything like an artist, but I do dabble, and we all know the fun that comes from dabbling. I'd been anxiously awaiting my present when my parents decided to be AWESOME. 'Cause I got my present now. In JULY. Nice job, parents. Buying my love is COMPLETELY the right way to go about things.

Truthfully though, they gave it to me now because they know that when I go back to school I wont have any time for fun because I'll be so busy 'working'. I, uh, didn't argue the point. They seemed so proud. So I get my prezzie now and cake on my birthday! Double win! Hurray!

Onward with the point of this whole post; before I told you about it I figured I should draw something to post with it. I thought it would take me a really long time to get used to using it, but so far it really isn't bad. I'm using a Bamboo (adorable name): Pen & Touch or something? I know nothing about these sorts of brands, but it seems to be good. The drawing surface is nice and big and everything. Pretty much my only concern is that the pen tip is wearing down really fast. It came with two replacements, and it seems like I'm going to need them sooner than I thought... I wonder if all pens are like this or if it's the brand? Or me, I could very well be pressing too hard. In any case, I heart my new tablet to pieces.

The first thing I did was a picture of the TARDIS. Being my first attempt at using it, that picture will hopefully never see the light of day. Apart from that I've been working on the main reason of my getting a tablet rather than just thinking about getting one, which is that my best friend, Thingbe and I are starting a webcomic. I hope to have a few comics finished soon so we can start posting. The plan is that Thingbe will write and I'll draw (here's hoping I'll be able to keep up with her intense writing skillz) and we'll grow to such incredible popularity that we'll be a recognized voice in the gaming world causing us to be invited to E3 and the San Diego ComicCon every year while getting awesome jobs as voice actors. Yes, yes we are that cool. Or we will be. Y'know.

Anyways, I didn't have anything drawn to do a post with, so I thought I'd come up with a cool new profile picture since Emperor Palpatine is awesome, but less than original and it'd be really neat to use something that I made. I couldn't think of anything so after much deliberation, I came up with a penguin (get it? get it?). Since that seemed incredibly dull, I decided to personalize it (which isn't easy with a penguin) so it turned into a penguin in SPACE.

Tah Dah!
Indeed, the Magic Penguin has a name, and that name is Flipper. Together, it's a nickname of mine that's way longer than my actual name. Go figure.

It's a little rough, yeah, but I'm fairly proud. While drawing it I found two things that I didn't know about drawing penguins:
1. There's pretty much one way to draw a cartoon penguin.
2. No penguin looks right without a bow tie.
I think it looks too much like another penguin, but I can't think of one to match it, so I'm just going to assume that it's fine.The only thing I know for sure is that the beak is definitely inspired by Topper from that one old Christmas movie with the song that's like "Put one foot in front of the other~!". Man I love that movie. Santa Claus is coming to town or something? In any case, I think I'll try this out as my dp for a while, see if it fits.

Oh yeah, and one last thing: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is an amazing game, probably one of the best out for the Wii and I have no idea why I didn't play it years ago.


Doctor Whoed.

In six days I watched seasons one to five of the 'new' Doctor Who series. I would be proud of this, but I have a feeling that I could and should have done it in five, but as my brother was kind enough to explain to me, I found it difficult to continue on the fifth day because I was going through David Tennant withdrawal.

I have one thing to say to anyone reading this who hasn't watched Doctor Who; WATCH IT. I was a little sceptical about it at first, but now I really don't know how I ever lived without it. Really and truly it's one of the most interesting and creative shows out there, especially today, where television has become something of a joke with every show falling into one of two categories: reality TV, or something to do with ghosts/vampires. How exciting.

From the first episode, I was drawn deeply into it, and I place it all on The Doctor, who in six days has become one of my favourite characters of all time.

One of the greatest things about Doctor Who is that every Doctor changes the show in almost every way, so it never get's old. Even though each episode follows the same basic plot line of "The Doctor and his companion go somewhere in the TARDIS and do something cool." I wont start on how absolutely incredible the tenth doctor was to the series, but I will say that those of you who've watched it know EXACTLY what I mean.

I did have one problem though, and it was so strange to everyone that I talked to about it that my brother told me I must have watched the show wrong. Maybe I did and maybe I didn't, but either way, I DIDN'T LIKE ROSE. Most people I talked to responded with "But I liked Rose!" or "She was better than MARTHA." For me, Rose was a Fred (from Angel). Everyone seemed to love her, and I mean LOVE her, without having any real reason for it.

The eleventh Doctor. I still sort of feel that he isn't the best, but having finished the fifth season, I don't think he's that bad. He's his own Doctor in his own right, and I like him. Although I do think that he had a rather violent experience falling down the ugly tree at some point in his childhood. I think what really made me sad was finding out that Robert Carlyle was on the list for possible eleventh Doctors, and he WASN'T chosen. Although I suppose he could have been busy doing SGU anyway. So come on everyone, ROBERT CARLYLE FOR NUMBER TWELVE!

The TARDIS is another one of the high points of the show, for me it became like Serenity in that it was a beloved character of it's own. Who doesn't love getting attached to space ships?

Finally there's THE TITLE THEME. It pissed me off when they changed it slightly for season four, but the fifth season made me hate it a little. I loved how lame the old one was, with the corny-sounding beeps and whirring noises typical of classic science fiction. They seemed to be continuously trying to make it "cool". I don't like cool. I liked the lame-ass geeky version. I liked it A LOT.

Oh, I lied, I have another thing to say to people who haven't seen Doctor Who, if you're gonna watch it, awesome, but you MAY consider waiting until closer to Christmas or else you'll be like the rest of us, sitting around with around six months of going cold, cold turkey on the horizon.