

This is where I currently sit in the banquet hall of life.

Guys. Guys. I CAN MAKE FRIED RICE. I'm serious. It's so easy. First, cook some rice. Easy. Next, or possibly during, chop up some veggies. Toss them in a pan with some oil. Shove that shit around until it feels right. Toss in the rice. Continue to shove. Add eggs. Pat yourself on the back- at this point, you're balling. Finish it off with some soy sauce and when your starving stomach can't take the smell any longer, dump it onto a plate. Cram it into your face hole. Fried rice. I'm serious. At this point I'm basically Wonder Chef.

And I realize that I haven't blogged in a while. I wanted to, but nothing was really happening. This semester hasn't been very easy, and I've also been doing a lot of extra stuff that's making time management sort of insane. To give a general overview of the semester thus far, there's been the usual barrage of assignments, readings, midterms, events, and planning, but also conferences, some interviews for jobs (real life jobs! Sort of. ), first aid qualifications and that's all that I can think of off the top of my head. I am busy. But I don't mean to complain. Being busy is just another way of saying that I've had a lot of really cool opportunities this year. And kudos to me, I have not let them pass me by!

For the interviews, which I feel I should mention, I'm playing the awkward waiting game. Or it would be awkward if I weren't so busy with other stuff that I've mostly been forgetting that I'm still waiting to hear back from them. I don't typically worry over the future. I'm really good at focusing on what's happening now, for the most part. I dream about the future, but it doesn't stress me out. I trust that the future will turn out swell. I don't mean that in terms of fate or destiny, but I trust that no matter what happens I'll be able to deal with it and make the best. As John Connor so wisely put it," there's no fate but what we make for ourselves".  In conclusion, I might be employed soon!

So cross your fingers, internet!